An old-time beverage, peppermint tea is unbelievably valuable when it comes to relieving stomach gas, flatulence, and any resultant distress. It is extremely comforting to the stomach and agreeable to the system. Because it is caffeine-free, this beverage will not cause any restlessness and keep people awake at night. It is palatable, aromatic, and refreshing. You can easily take it as a wholesome tisane by each member of the family.
For young children, just one or two tablespoons of this tea, sweetened with honey is ideal for stomach-ache, let alone helping adults with digestion relief and relieving colicky diarrhea. Studies reveal that using peppermint oil is a treatment accepted to treat IBS because the oil helps in easing bloating, spasms, and cramps.
Ginger is noted to rank as one of the top herbs with it comes to digestion. A soothing, warming spice, which means it impacts on the circulatory system. Ginger comes from way back in history from the Roman Empire days, holding an honorary place for use in traditional medicines. Ginger root has been used by Chinese herbalists for approximately 2000 years already and the ancient Greeks used it to make their bread – a top aid for digestion.
It grows wild in Asia and is used today therapeutically to control upset stomach and nausea – this is because of its anti-emetic properties, which also is useful for alleviating stomach cramps. There are excellent anti-inflammatory components in ginger named gingerol and zingerones, making it the natural remedy to seek when suffering from heartburn, nausea from motion sickness and superb as a normalizer for the digestive process. Confucius, before he ate anything, would sprinkle a bit of this digestive herb over his meals as he believed it would promote appetite and help to expel gas from the intestinal tract and stomach.
Use these remedies and improve your digestive health today!
